An easy and delicious way of cooking fish fillets; the ingredients can be modified for each person depending on intolerances.

Basic ingredients:
150g fish fillet per person
slices of lemon or lime (see notes below)
Lay 2-3 slices of lemon or lime in the middle of a piece of foil.
Lay the fish fillet on top of the citrus
Sprinkle with salt (I used Himalayan salt for extra minerals)
Add two small blobs of butter to the top of each fillet
Wrap each fillet up in foil like a parcel, bringing in the sides, then bringing up each end and folding it together to seal.
Lay parcels in single layer in an oven tray, and bake 180C/350F until fish just cooked and tender - check after 10 mins, and then every 5 mins until done. Cooking time will vary depending on thickness of fillet and how many you are cooking. You do not want to over cook. My 6 parcels of thick fillets took about 20 mins total.
Notes and substitutions:
* Lime is much lower in amines than lemon, so I use it for my amine-sensitive daughter
* Meyer lemons are likely to be considerably lower in salicylates than other lemon varieties, as I tolerate them better and they have a much milder taste.
* For a diary-free option, add a wee bit of coconut cream or oil instead of the butter (but coconut contains salicylates and amines)
* Citrus may be left out all together, and fish cooked just with some salt and butter
150g fish fillet per person
slices of lemon or lime (see notes below)
Lay 2-3 slices of lemon or lime in the middle of a piece of foil.
Lay the fish fillet on top of the citrus
Sprinkle with salt (I used Himalayan salt for extra minerals)
Add two small blobs of butter to the top of each fillet
Wrap each fillet up in foil like a parcel, bringing in the sides, then bringing up each end and folding it together to seal.
Lay parcels in single layer in an oven tray, and bake 180C/350F until fish just cooked and tender - check after 10 mins, and then every 5 mins until done. Cooking time will vary depending on thickness of fillet and how many you are cooking. You do not want to over cook. My 6 parcels of thick fillets took about 20 mins total.
Notes and substitutions:
* Lime is much lower in amines than lemon, so I use it for my amine-sensitive daughter
* Meyer lemons are likely to be considerably lower in salicylates than other lemon varieties, as I tolerate them better and they have a much milder taste.
* For a diary-free option, add a wee bit of coconut cream or oil instead of the butter (but coconut contains salicylates and amines)
* Citrus may be left out all together, and fish cooked just with some salt and butter